Time Management vs Efficiency?

time clock efficiency

Time Management and Efficiency

Time Management and Efficiency Go Hand-in-Hand

Do you want to know the best time management system available?

The answer:  Choose ONE. I know this seems like a cop-out. But let’s face it. It’s like any gym membership.  What’s the most expensive gym membership available? The one you never use.

All time management systems have similar traits. Determining which one is better than another is largely dependent on which program is trying to get you to use theirs. So the answer is, find a time management system and give it a try.

The important thing is to find one. Doing this will be one of the main components of increasing your efficiency.

If you read about a particular system, try it out it for a couple of months and see how it goes. But, and this is crucial, keep using it. The worst time management system is not having one. By choosing not to have one, you’ll be spinning your wheels.

Managing your time takes habit and discipline especially if you haven’t been doing it.  Get started and you continue using it. If you are someone that believes habits are formed in 21 days, then use the system for 21 days. Just ensure you’ve set up a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the system.

For years, I used paper planners in lovely binders. I loved sitting down and writing my goals, checking them off as I went along and scheduling appointments.  But with the progressive move towards all things electronic, I now use the tools in Outlook to create tasks, schedule appointments, and track progress on my projects. There are other tools I use to stay organized and on top of my projects which I won’t mention here.

The important thing is I continue to manage my time or I find that my important goals get overshadowed by urgent, unimportant tasks.

Please don’t get discouraged if you stop using the initial system you chose. Maybe it isn’t the right one for you. Just like continuing on with paper planners wasn’t right for me. Instead, find another one.

Ask friends and coworkers for suggestions. Don’t give up and think that none of these systems will work for you. Trust me, once your time management system is habitual and useful, your productivity and progress will skyrocket.

When you do finally find that one right time management system, become an advocate. Share what you use and how you use it with others. When we teach others, we end up mastering the thing we are teaching about. So if you teach others how you maximize the system, they’ll share with you how they end up using it and you’ll get even more from it.

As you and your team become more efficient and productive from the system you’ve found, you will be able to take on more and accomplish greater tasks. This will undoubtedly result in recognition which fuels even greater motivation and success.

Commit today to finding a time management system that works. If you already have one, please share in the comments which one it is and why it’s so great.

To your ongoing success!

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