Aging or Getting Old?

Hitting my late forties had me once again thinking about aging. The body really does start to change and the weight we used to be able to drop in a week now hangs on for six months or more. It’s frustrating and humiliating and makes you once again feel insecure or inadequate. So we continue to […]

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Putting You Back into Your Life

Ever get so caught up in doing that you aren’t sure why you are doing what you are doing? I find myself often going round and round with all the things I have to do and I get so overwhelmed, I just start doing whatever so I can check it off my list. It’s been […]

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Renewal vs Avoidance

Life is hectic. We’re tired. The commute wears us out before we even get to our office in the morning. The demands on our time are humongous. Is that why we are glued to our devices? Or is it just an addiction? Taking time to refresh and renew is not just an option. It’s a […]

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Seek First to Understand

Building strong relationships is critical to every business, every community, and every family. In our world today, we see the cost of poor communication, lack of understanding, and an unwillingness to see another’s point of view. There is more violence and less kindness and tolerance. What will this cost us in our businesses, for our […]

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Is Your Online Reputation Costing You?

The internet has changed the game for all of us. We are all able to find out a ton of information about a company, its product and any of their employees by just running a google search. Some of the information we find will be positive and some won’t be. This helps all of us […]

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Dealing with Stress After a Layoff

Even in 2017 the economy is still in flux. Layoffs aren’t things of the past. Depending on the industry or your company’s profitability, you may find yourself in the unfortunate position of being laid off. If this happens, you may experience feelings of stress, anger, insecurity, depression or fear.  I understand what you are going […]

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Simple Hacks for Creating New Habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”   –Aristotle If we want to create a better life for ourselves and become the best we can be, we need to have habits that support our quest. But let’s face it, creating new habits isn’t easy. Here are six simple hacks […]

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How to Network Effectively at Professional Events

Network Effectively At Professional Events

Networking is so necessary when building a business or staying in the loop so you can continue to succeed at work. It can be scary and intimidating to network at industry events or even at work especially when you are new to the company or the department. I know some master networkers who seem to […]

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How to Ask for What You Really Want

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything that they ask for?  If they want to get a fabulous new job, they suddenly get it. Or they wish for a trip to an exotic location, their wish is granted. So how can you make this same ‘magic’ happen for you. The only […]

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Find Your Purpose – Discover Your Calling

Experts say… You need to find your purpose You need to follow your passion You need to determine your “why” But sometimes it isn’t all that easy. It’s not easy to figure out exactly what your “why” is. Sometimes we feel stuck and we’re not even sure what our purpose and passion are, so how […]

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