Getting into the Flow

Getting in the Flow State for Maximum Productivity

What is Flow State?

Have you ever been so engrossed in something that it was hard to step away? Have you ever found yourself pushed, inspired, and challenged to the point that you tuned out all else? I have felt that way myself when I am teaching a course, running a Spartan race, or traveling with my family. It’s as if all other things fade away.

This feeling that I was feeling is called “flow.”

In fact, research by positive psychologist, Mihály Csí­kszentmihályi, has shown that achieving and using a state known as the ‘flow’ or ‘zone’ increases happiness, creativity, and achievement.

We all deserve to live a life that fulfills us and helps us to know we contributed our unique gifts to the world. We can create this life by harnessing the power of our minds and taking action.

So how do we reach flow state?

Flow state is similar to hyper-focus, but it has none of the negative affects or feelings. While in the flow state, you become totally engaged in a task that is meaningful and challenging. There is a clear end goal and you know what actions are needed to achieve it. You are so focused and absorbed that there is no room for self-consciousness or doubt. Time flies by without you noticing.

You are constantly taking action instead of pausing and analyzing. By taking action and not stopping to think, any negative emotions such as worry or self-doubt are kept from impeding your progress.

When in the ‘zone,’ you are totally immersed in what you are doing, losing all sense of time and self-analysis. Engagement and enjoyment are vital.  The saying, ‘Time flies when you’re having fun!’  pretty much sums it up.This is what it is like when you’re in the zone.

Your total focus ensures your productivity levels increase. In fact, you are not clock watching because of this extreme focus. Being engrossed in taking action,  you find there isn’t time for anything else.

The flow causes you to feel positive, energized, completely involved and aligned with the task. The flow state is an empowered state of mind and being.

As you think of an activity that causes you to be in the flow, you’ll find that the task is one that is well matched to your skills but has a level of challenge that ensures you grow. By matching both skill and challenge, all feelings of doubt or fear don’t arise because you are feeling so positive about the task. 

As you can see, being in a state of flow is engaging and allows you to achieve peak performance. This is because creativity and problem-solving are enhanced while in the zone.

So if we want to achieve a life full of meaning, goal achievement, and enjoyment, we need to find a way to get in the zone. Here’s a great quote to keep in mind 

The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. Optimal experience is thus something we make happen.”    ~Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

When have you experienced flow? How have you been able to get back in the flow once you’ve come out of it? 

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