What You Love Increases- Even as a Leader
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All of us have heard of the Law of Attraction. Many may feel it’s hooey. That it doesn’t exist. Only pure effort and focus can get you what you want either personally or professionally.
Part of the Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you bring about. That as you imagine with deep and true feeling (i.e. passion or love), it will manifest.
Maybe as you look at your life, you can’t see where that’s true. You may see somethings that have worked out and others that haven’t and don’t really see where LOA comes into it. You physically took action and didn’t just use “feelings” to get what you wanted. You actually did the work.
And what does love have to do with leadership anyway? You can’t love your employees, right? You may love the company you work for or the work you do, but loving your employees (peers or bosses)? That just seems like a call for harassment claims.
But the love of which I speak is about compassion, caring, and empathy. It is steeped in kindness, hope, and belief. It’s not a romantic or physical love. It’s a spiritual one.
It’s where you honor that the people you work with are just that- people… with their own dreams, failings, hopes, fears, failures, successes, and desires. It’s about taking time to truly understand who they are, what makes them come to work, and what they hope their legacy in life will be.
Loving another person, whether it’s your family, or people you work with takes a willingness to listen, discover, accept and understand. It doesn’t mean that when that person makes a mistake or does something wrong that there aren’t consequences. It does mean that you first find out the why behind the behavior or action. It requires that you stay neutral enough to listen before you respond.
Just like with your kids or spouse. When they do something you feel is wrong or hurtful, you have the conversation in a way that is both open and loving so you can discover if there is something you did which helped to create the situation.
Leadership is most about loving- the company you work for, the people you work with/lead, and the job you are doing. When you love, you are able to increase your influence, your achievements, your skills, your whole self.
I want to encourage you to love what you do. Even when it doesn’t feel like you should. Even tough times can be looked upon with love. Because as you try to accept, understand, apply kindness, and compassion to the situation, aren’t you truly embodying love? I think so. And let’s face it, tough times force us to grow, to change, and ultimately to expand who we are which makes us more loving.
So whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction, at least believe in the power of love. That’s how spirit infused leaders lead… they lead from their center, from their heart, and they trust whatever it is you call the Divine.
So let me ask you, what experiences have you had with leadership and loving?
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