Leadership Skills- Free Planner

Free Planner Printable

As 2018 is coming to a close, it’s time to start preparing for new goals for 2019. One of my constant goals is to be a better leader- at work, in my community, and at home.

Great leaders know that constant growth and development is key to staying one. If we plan, then we will find the winds of change, the quirks of life, and the constant battle for our time will lead is in another direction.

Leaders don’t necessarily hold titles in large corporations or governments. In fact, many great leaders didn’t– Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Buddha, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and countless Saints… Rather, these individuals worked on their own internal qualities and lived with great purpose to which others couldn’t help, but want to follow.

I have created a planner, as my gift to you,  which you can print and use to plan your time and your leadership goals. Remember, that which we focus on will improve. That’s why I think a paper planner is so important. We can use our devices for so many things. In fact, I use a paper planner along with my online calendar and task and goal setting apps.

However, research has shown that putting pen to paper helps us work from our head to our hearts. That’s where the true magic of change and growth happens. When we connect with ourselves and our deep desires.

It is my hope that you use this planner to help you hone those leadership qualities you most admire and work them into your days, weeks, and months. Even little improvements every day can create monumental improvements in your life and the lives of those you lead.


Happy Holidays! Here’s to a shining new year!

P.S. If you want to get other leadership tips, freebies, and other life insights, please consider joining my email list.

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