Why Should You Become an Action-Taker

Have you ever noticed that those who succeed in life are the doers? I do believe we must all take time to reflect, be present, and come from “being.” But I also know, if we never took a step or never worked towards a goal it wouldn’t happen.

So what’s stopping you from taking action? Is it fear? Perhaps you’re waiting for the opportunity to knock on your door instead of making your own? Or maybe you believe you’re not enough… no smart, not talented enough, not experienced enough. These negative thoughts and beliefs are holding you back.

You know, there’s a reason why so many intelligent people fail. They tend to overthink everything and are often afraid to take risks. If this sounds like you, here are some powerful reasons to become an action-taker:

Slay Self-Doubt

If you don’t take action, you’ll keep wondering “What if?” What if I said yes to that person who asked me to speak at their company? Would I have more leads and clients now? What if I changed my status on LinkedIn to being open to job opportunities? Would I be the one leaving for that great new role that my peer just got?

Saying no to opportunity often stems from self doubt. It’s probably the main reason you don’t take action on your big goals and dreams. Doubt allows you to question your abilities and your decisions.

But, taking action builds your action taking muscle and boosts your confidence. Some of your actions may not turn out as you wish, but most will. And along the way, you will also discover new resources and information that will contribute to overall your success. So start by slaying your self-doubt.

Value Your Life-Time

Steve Jobs once said that remembering you’re going to die is the best way to stop thinking you have something to lose. We all know that our time on this earth is limited. We just don’t know what’s going to happen a month or a year from now.

You may never get a second chance to take that fabulous trip, see your kids excel at a school sport or event,  attend a meeting with that special contact you’ve been postponing for weeks, or apply for your dream job.

Stop waiting for the “right time.” Life is short and your life is precious. So stop waiting for the universe to give you a sign. If you had the inspiration initially to do something, that already was your sign.

One Step Leads to Another

In my own experience, I know that getting started is often the hardest, and yet the most important step to take. No matter your dreams or goals, action is required to bring them to life.  

Once you take that first step, everything else will fall into place. Your plans may or may not work out as you hope, but either way something new will emerge. Think of it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Let’s say you want to apply for a job that sounds perfect for you, but you know your qualifications aren’t exactly right. Yes, it’s scary to apply, but what’s really at stake? Even if you aren’t chosen, at least you’ll get practice interviewing for your dream job. Even better, you’ll also get feedback on what you need to focus on so you can get a similar job in the future. When you start taking action, your next steps start to appear and so do results.

Develop Your Skills

Whether your plans succeed or fail, you’ll be given a chance to learn new things. Sometimes failure leads to greater learning than success. Either way, taking action will help develop your knowledge and skills which leads to greater self-confidence.

The next time you take action, you’ll feel better prepared because you’ll have more experience. You’ll be able to approach things from a new perspective and won’t repeat the same mistakes. Which is why taking action is a great way to develop yourself.

It’s not easy to take action when you are terrified and filled with self doubt. But here’s one thing I know… YOU ARE ENOUGH. There isn’t anything more important that knowing that no matter where you are now, how distant your dreams and goals seem, right now you are enough.

By taking action from that space if knowing you are enough, your actions will be filled with passion, joy, and light.

Please don’t let fear of failure or success keep you from a life you deserve.

To your spirit infused future!

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