Accepting the Now

Dealing with Tragedy and Layoff

Life allows for only one thing… change. Nothing can stay the same for long and although it may be something we wish could be, it never does. In the past month, I’ve experienced so much…a close family member having a major stroke, a relative’s parent dying unexpectedly, and being laid off once again.

In fact, on the same day that my family member had the stroke, my car was sideswiped on the way to work and I was experiencing one of those critical moments where I actually felt connected in a calm and peaceful way to “spirit.” I had been meditating and praying that morning so when I got hit, I only felt empathy for the guy. He was so frantic about trying to get his company’s production truck to the set where they needed the equipment. He seemed so stressed out and worried and I just said, “Don’t worry. This is why we have insurance.” We were able to amicably part ways and both of us got to work on time.

Then later that afternoon, I got the text that someone I dearly loved suffered a massive stroke. And just like that, life tilted.

So what do you do when bad news seems to find you and envelope you in dread, worry, fear, and sadness?

What I did was meditate more. Listen to inspiring words and music. And dig deep spiritually. Knowing that my inner voice, my connection to something immense, powerful, and everlasting would be my only sanity.

Each day, I have come up with a plan to stay connected. To coming back when my mind goes crazy and I want to scream or cry or just hide away.

Here’s what I do and it’s similar to what I’ve done before. See this article.


I spend time each morning and evening meditating or praying. Meditation for me is anything that helps me to stay in the “now.” It can be working out, using Headspace or Insight Timer apps to sit still, saying the rosary… whatever keeps me from thinking about the past or looking into the future. Whatever is meditation for you, make sure you do it every day- even if it’s just walking in nature, petting your dog or cat, or listening deeply to music you love. You’ll see that it keeps you from telling a “story” about what is happening to you that you wish to avoid. Instead, you realize that right now, right this second, you are alive and all is well.


Breathing is critical to lowering stress and helping to calm your nervous system. The one thing I know that helps me to breath more fully and completely is exercise. I do a combination of cardio and weight training. Plus as I am aging, I know us women’s bones become more brittle. Strength training is necessary for keeping me healthy both body and mind. And where my mind and body are healthy so goes my spirit.


I continue to reach out to family, friends and coworkers. With family and friends, it’s about getting the emotional and spiritual support to handle these traumatic losses. With coworkers, it’s networking and helping to keep up my self-esteem. I find myself spending a lot of time on the Marco Pollo app sending messages to family. I love listening to their voices and seeing their faces. It’s so much more of a full conversation than texting or FB messaging. Plus it allows me to connect when there is time as there isn’t always time to chat on the phone. With coworkers, I definitely use LinkedIn, email and texting. I try not only to ask for referrals or support, but I also try to give it. I send articles, possible job postings, and answer questions or offer suggestions if they need it.

It’s tempting when you are scared, hurting, or pissed off to close yourself off. But that isn’t the right thing to do when we are searching for the next best thing. We need to connect to remind ourselves why we want that next right thing. Those people who we love and who love us, they help us to remember why.

By using these tactics, I am able to get through each moment and each day with grace, peace, and hope. I don’t know when I’ll find that next right role or what will happen with my loved one’s stroke. But then again, we don’t know what each next moment will bring. We don’t know if we’ll win the lottery, be offered a gig for twice the cash, or win a trip to our dream vacation. We just don’t know.

That’s why learning to embrace each “now” is important. It will power our next big thing. And it will empower it with the positive fuel of faith, not fear.

I’m learning that by listening to the New Earth class through Super Soul Conversations podcast. And believe me, as a spirit infused leader and human, it’s so important now more than ever to be in the now.

To your spirit infused success!

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